William Barney Carpenter


Personal and Family Information

William was born on 15 SEP 1825 in Newville, Richland, Ohio, the son of unknown parents.

He died on 6 JUN 1913 in Mansfield, Richland, Ohio.

His wife was Emeline Grove, who he married on 15 SEP 1816. The place has not been found. Their nine known children were Alfred George (-?), Clara L. (-?), Electa Sarah (1852-1917), Alice Ellen (1854-1929), Eugene G. (1857-1902), Ella Ada (1860-1956), Jennette 'Jennie' (c1860-1946), Lucy (c1864-<1880) and Otto Willard (1870-1936).


Birth15 SEP 1825
Place: Newville, Richland, Ohio
Death6 JUN 1913
Place: Mansfield, Richland, Ohio


Note 1

William B. Carpenter, Retired Business Man, Called Home.

William Barney Carpenter, a venerable citizen of Mansfield, died Thursday evening at his home on South Diamond St., after an illness of nine weeks, death being due to the infirmities of age. The funeral will be Saturday afternoon at the First Methodist church conducted by Dr. T. W. Grose. Burial in Mansfield Cemetery.

Mr. Carpenter was born at Newville, September 15, 1825, being 87 years old. He had always lived in Richland county and during his active years, had been in business in Newville and later in Mansfield. Mr. Carpenter was of Yankee descent, his grandfather, William Carpenter, having been a revolutionary soldier and his father, Daniel Carpenter, was a soldier in the war of 1812. The Carpenter family came to America in 1638.

Mr. Carpenter was educated in the seminary at Norwalk during the presidency of the late Bishop Thompson. The influence of this seminary was manifested throughout his life. He engaged in the tannery business and after coming to Mansfield, was located at South Diamond street, where he conducted a tannery for several years.

Mr. Carpenter was active in the I. O. O. F. lodge, joining Richland lodge in 1851. He helped to organize Lucas lodge and the lodge at Newville which he names Sturges lodge in honor of the late Dimon Sturges. In 1868 when he moved to Mansfield, he again became a member of Richland lodge. Mr. Carpenter united with the Methodist Episcopal church at the ate of 14 and has always been an active member. His wife, who was Miss Emeline Grove, of near Perrysville, died in 1902.

The were the parents of nine children. Mr. Carpenter is survived by six children; Alfred G. a prominent attorney of Cleveland; Mrs. Electa Jason of Bakersfield, CA; Mrs. A. T. Lincoln of Troy, NY; O. W. Carpenter, general manager of Western Life Insurance company at Cleveland; Mrs. A. P. Seiler of Washington, D.C., and Mrs. L. S. Harmon of Bakersfield, CA; twenty-six grandchildren and twenty-one great grandchildren.

~Mansfield News

Fri., 6 Jun 1913, pg. 4