James Reid Dunagan (1821-1900), brother to Louisa B. Dunagan (great grandmother to Narva Norene Graham Reedy). James wife was Mary Aveline Buffington.
1871 EzekielJDunagan Nancy Evans
1871 StephenRDunagan
1880 Ezekiel Dunagan Graham
1880 WilliamLouisaGrahamhome
Total guess as to date of this photo
1893 EzekielJDunagan
1893 gravesiteEzekielLydia
1900 JamesRMaryDunagan
James Reid Dunagan & wife Mary E (aka Martha Elvelyn Buffington) Dunagan Chapel Cemetery, Gainesville, GA
1906 Georgia Opie Graham
1912 ReedyTom family
Thomas DeWitt Reedy (l) James Clark Reedy, Rose Ella Moore Reedy, then best guess is that the girl on the right is Nancy Adeline and girl on the left is Bessie and baby could be Essie or John Buel???
1917 Norene Clayton William
1919 06 OpieGeorgiaGraham
Opie and Georgia Graham with daughter, Narva Norene in back and boys, William and Clayton