Stephen J. Mackey


Personal and Family Information

Stephen was born about 1914 in Caldwell County, MO, the son of Benjamin Franklin Mackey and Olive "Ollie" Upp.

He has died but the date and place are unknown.

His wife was Jeanne Revay Cox, who he married in SEP 1937 in Caldwell County, MO. Their two known children were David Stephen () and Phillip ().

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Stephen J. Mackey


Benjamin Franklin Mackey


Olive "Ollie" Upp


Ellsworth Upp


Rachel Shiner


Tobias Riley Shiner


Mary Antrim



BirthABT 1914
Place: Caldwell County, MO


Note 1

Asst. Postmaster at Hamilton, MO in 1940