Elizabeth Phipps


Personal and Family Information

Elizabeth was born on 10 SEP 1701 in Lexington, Middlesex County, MA USA, the daughter of Samuel Phipps and Elizabeth Stevens.

She died after 1736 in Camden, Kershaw County, SC USA.

Her husband was Capt. John Abbott II. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their four known children were Jemima (1729-1815), Capt. Joseph (<1723-<1788), Col. John (1724-1814) and Samuel (-?).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Elizabeth Phipps


Samuel Phipps


Elizabeth Stevens



Birth10 SEP 1701
Place: Lexington, Middlesex County, MA USA
DeathAFT 1736
Place: Camden, Kershaw County, SC USA


Note 1

my 7x Great grandmother