Hugh H Burr


Personal and Family Information

Hugh was born on 24 MAR 1883 in Missouri, the son of Ralph Roger Burr and Delphia Louisa Kyte.

He died on 22 OCT 1951 in Joplin, MO.

His wife was Grace Elizabeth Mitchell, who he married on 29 AUG 1906 in Columbus, Cherokee, Kansas, USA. Their five known children were Marjorie G (c1907-1983), Harold Theodore (1909-1983), Donald Houston (1911-1999), Ruth Delpha (1920-1987) and Laurence A (-?).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Hugh H Burr


Ralph Roger Burr


Hollister Harvey Burr


Oliver Burr


Celinda Stowell


Mary Jane Sowell


Delphia Louisa Kyte



Birth24 MAR 1883
Place: Missouri
Death22 OCT 1951
Place: Joplin, MO