Anna C. Gibbons


Personal and Family Information

Anna was born about 1835 in Harrison, Harrison, West Virginia, United States, the daughter of William Gibbons and Catherine Beatley.

She has died but the date and place are unknown.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Anna C. Gibbons


William Gibbons


Jacob Gibbons JR


Jacob Gibbons Sr


Sarah Walton


Mary Margaret "Peggy Grove


John Grove


Mary Sturgill


Catherine Beatley



BirthABT 1835
Place: Harrison, Harrison, West Virginia, United States


Note 1

U.S. Census Shawnee, Frederick, VA 1880: "Wm. Gibbins [sic], age 71 b. Abt. 1809 Virginia parents b. Virginia. farmer; two unmarried daughters b. Virginia, not employed outside the home: Ann 44, Margaret 25."