Lucille Esther Gibbons


Personal and Family Information

Lucille was born on 20 FEB 1903 in Clay County IN, the daughter of Ora Gibbons and Letha Nall.

She died on 7 JUN 1989 in McLane, Virginia USA.

Her husband was Lester William Keller, who she married on 19 DEC 1931. The place has not been found. Their only known child was Barbara Ann (1938-).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Lucille Esther Gibbons


Ora Gibbons


John Gibbens JR


John Gibbons


Rhoda Antrim


Clara Jane Ealey


Letha Nall



Birth20 FEB 1903
Place: Clay County IN
Death7 JUN 1989
Place: McLane, Virginia USA
Place: Highland Lawn Cemetery, Terre Haute, Indiana