Joseph Earl Havlik JR


Personal and Family Information

Joseph was born on 10 AUG 1903 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the son of Joseph Earl Havlik and Mary (Maude) Schwab.

He died on 16 JUN 1910 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Joseph Earl Havlik JR


Joseph Earl Havlik


Frank Havlik Sr


Jacob Havlik


Mary (Marie) Vielsack


Gottlieb Vielsack


Theresa Unknown


Mary (Maude) Schwab


Frederick Schwab


Daniel Schwab


Catherine Danzer


Johann Danzer


Margarethe Kleindienst



Birth10 AUG 1903
Place: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Death16 JUN 1910
Place: Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Note 1

Died of scarlet fever. Buried Pilgrims Rest Cemetery

Note 2

In Census of 1920, his name is listed as Earl J. Not sure which way it was.