Sarah Antrim


Personal and Family Information

Sarah was born on 24 FEB 1812 in Clinton, OH, the daughter of Aden James Antrim Sr and Mary "Dolly" Sharp.

She died in 1877. The place is not known.

Her husband was Richard Lyon. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their only known child was Sarah (1837-?).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Sarah Antrim


Aden James Antrim Sr


Godfrey Robert Antrim


Thomas Aden Antram


Prudence Mary Hancock


Nancy Hannah Painter


John Painter


Hannah Braddock


Mary "Dolly" Sharp


Solomon Sharp


John Sharp


Anne Dooley


Rachel Masters


William Masters


Unknown Masters



Birth24 FEB 1812
Place: Clinton, OH